Tennis SuperMovers Mission Statement
Tennis SuperMovers Mission Statement Tennis SuperMovers Mission Statement I am going to be presenting at the upcoming TBD Tennis Innovation Week online conference – Throughout my career I’ve been lucky to present at a number of conferences both online and in-person, as well as running my own annual events, with a highlight being presenting at […]
Training Grand Slam Fitness Shapes
Training Grand Slam Fitness Shapes Training Grand Slam Fitness Shapes Within the SuperMovers training programme is the SMASH Curriculum, which includes: Strength, Movement, Agility, Stability, Honing Coordination – to go into a bit more detail on these elements, check out the blog on the 5 building blocks to tennis fitness success – here Today’s post will […]
Grand Slam Shapes – Humble Squat
Grand Slam Shapes – Humble Squat Grand Slam Shapes – Humble Squat This week’s Exercise of the Week is the humble Squat. Here’s an example of two under 10 tennis players practising their Grand Slam shapes using the Tennis SuperMovers ‘At Home’ programme. The Squat is a fundamental movement shape that rehearses the ability […]
The Shapes of a Grand Slam Champion
The Shapes of a Grand Slam Champion The Shapes of a Grand Slam Champion We had the pleasure of watching Emma Raducanu successfully make her way to the US Open final via qualifying and win the tournament without even dropping a set! But as well as the lights-out tennis, we got to witness a tennis […]
Dealing with problem parents
Dealing with problem parents Dealing with problem parents I will start by saying that in my experience there are far fewer ‘problem parents’ than many coaches make out. In my opinion, if you are having any issues with parents, more often than not, it is down to two things: 1. Lack of, or poor, communication. 2. Lack […]
How to build a physical training block
How to build a physical training block How to build a physical training block At the start of each new academic year at Bolton Arena tennis academy where I work, we run a short period in which the physical training takes more of an emphasis. For the players, this will see a reduction in tennis volume […]
Time to take the advantage – how to get players back to training
Time to take the advantage – how to get players back to training Time to take the advantage – how to get players back to training With summer nearing its end and school and regular tennis training beckoning, we thought it was timely to look at how young players can take advantage of this next couple […]
The 5 Building Blocks to tennis fitness success
The 5 Building Blocks to tennis fitness success The 5 Building Blocks to tennis fitness success Tennis S&C start-up guide Are you new to introducing Strength and Conditioning (S&C) into physical programming for tennis? Are you unsure on what elements of physical training you should do? Do you know what makes a player tennis-fit? Here, […]
Maintaining your on-court speed
Maintaining your on-court speed Maintaining your on-court speed When players come back to full training blocks in September, coaches wonder why their player’s have lost their edge. Often it is because they simply haven’t been completing enough speed and power work to maintain their performance levels. With a focus this week on speed and how to maintain […]
Cardio questions – advice on how to fit it in around tennis training
Cardio questions – advice on how to fit it in around tennis training Cardio questions – advice on how to fit it in around tennis training A common question from players I get is ‘can I still do cardio or running?’ Often players complete a huge amount of training during the week – on-court and […]