Exercise of the Week 13 - Movement Drill - Zig Zags with Commands
Exercise of the Week 13 – Movement Drill – Zig Zags with Commands
This week’s Exercise of the Week comes direct from the Tennis SuperMovers programme. We use the SMASH curriculum, which works on Strength, Movement, Agility, Stability and Honing Coordination, the drill come under the Movement umbrella.
Within one simple drill we work on several components, including spatial awareness, acceleration, deceleration, change of direction and fundamental movement shapes – now thats a lot of bang for your buck in one drill!
In this video I give you a few progressions and several top tips, including how to make the drill competitive. Check out the video and I challenge you to have a go at adding this one to the start of your next session.
Check out last week’s exercise – Exercise of the Week 12 – Football Tracker