Novak’s journey to success was not an easy path.
As you may know, the game is evolving every day with new techniques and styles of play, but one thing that will remain the same is the foundation and basics that we learn.
Not only physically, but mentally as well.
The determination and intensity that Novak shows is a direct correlation to the time and effort he puts into his daily training and court awareness.
From a Futures Wildcard to multiple Grandslams, discipline and mental toughness have always set Djokovic apart.

If we breakdown Djokovic’s playing style it would be;
- Aggressive
- Rapid Reactions
- Fast Footwork
- Power
For Novak to bring this gameplay to life he would have needed to get those basics and foundations in place from the beginning.
That’s where the S.M.A.S.H Framework comes into play.
- Strength
- Movement
- Agility
- Stability
- Honing Coordination
These play a huge role in setting your player up for success. Once you have these cemented in styles of play can be adapted and changed for the particular situation.
This is the main reason why I have revolved the Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme around the S.M.A.S.H Framework.
The Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme
These athletic foundations provide the ability to move optimally on the tennis court, provide the power to hit groundstrokes and serves, develop the speed and footwork to deal with even the toughest balls, and have the fitness to come out on top in tough matches.
Here is a short sneak peek into the Player Programme

By signing up for the Player Programme you will get;
- Revamped Coaching Tutorials
- Exclusive Bonuses and Guides
- Access to the SuperMovers Private Community Group
- & So much more.