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SuperMover Pro Player is World Ranking Milestone

I’m bursting with pride and excitement as I write this email. It’s about Marni Banks, a phenomenal tennis player who just hit a milestone of ranking in the Top 250 in the world!

But let’s rewind to 13 years ago. Marni, then an eager 8-year-old, was as keen on the tennis court as she was on the playground. Today, she’s a force to be reckoned with on the global tennis stage. As her fitness coach for more than a decade, I’ve been privileged to witness her evolution from a zealous youngster to a world-class athlete.

Her journey is a living testament to one of Tennis SuperMovers’ core philosophies: Developing players from ‘Tots to Tour’.

It’s all about laying the physical foundations early, nurturing them persistently, and turning potential into prowess. I’ve been fortunate enough to apply my 12 years of experience as a tennis-specific fitness coach, from working at Bolton Arena Tennis Academy, as well as on the WTA Tour, including World Number 1 Ana Ivanovic.

This journey has enabled me to understand the nuances of player development at every age, and Marni has been instrumental in shaping the SuperMovers programme. She was one of the first players to experience the framework, and even today, we incorporate exercises from the programme in every session.

The result?

Marni’s recent achievement of breaking into the Top 250 world rankings, a feat that is as much a testament to her talent as it is to the power of consistent, focused training.

But here’s the thing – Marni’s journey is not an isolated story. It’s a proven roadmap to tennis success that can be replicated by any dedicated player, including you.

This is where the Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme comes in.

This transformative journey is designed not just to make you a better tennis player, but to turn you into a complete athlete. The programme focuses on the critical movement themes every tennis player needs: Forward & BackSide to Side, and Multidirectional.

It also follows the SMASH Framework, which develops Strength, Movement, Agility, Stability, and Honing Coordination Skills. Which ensures you develop both the fundamental and specific physical qualities needed to be a tennis success.

And the best part? You can start your tennis fitness journey right now!

Don’t just dream about holding the trophy high; prepare for it.

Embrace this opportunity, and let’s make your tennis journey legendary.

Are you ready to follow in Marni’s footsteps? Are you committed to investing in a long-term athlete development process?

If your answer is a resounding yes, then click the link below, and let’s embark on this journey together.

I’m Ready to Transform My Game

Remember, the journey to becoming a tennis powerhouse begins before you even step onto the court. It starts with a commitment to fitness that moulds potential into prowess. 

In the court and beyond, your coach and ally,


P.S. Marni’s achievement is a testament to the power of the Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme. Commit to your fitness journey today, and who knows? You might be the next Marni Banks!

Start My Tennis Fitness Journey

Tennis SuperMovers
Summer Challenge

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your tennis-specific fitness and compete with players from across the world, and what is to be an action-packed experience!


This completely FREE guide will teach you the 5 steps to tennis fitness success.

If you want to move quicker, hit harder, last longer and recover faster, then download the guide now.