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How I train Professional Players

Ever wondered what it takes to transform a budding tennis player into a pro?

Well, I’ve got a story to share with you. It’s about a new professional tennis player I’ve just started coaching, a seasoned athlete preparing for the grass court season, with his sights set high on Wimbledon.

Like a well-strung racket, this story is all about tension, resilience, and the drive to go beyond the baseline of the ordinary. 

But before we dive in, let me tell you a little secret – the secret sauce isn’t that secret at all.

Over the past 12 years, I’ve refined my training philosophy, guiding hundreds of junior players and several professionals, even coaching at multiple Grand Slams. 

And the approach? It’s the same whether I’m training a pro or a new junior player.

Surprised? Well, let me explain.

Each of my training sessions is built around the movements players make on the court, focusing on specific footwork patterns. We theme our sessions on Forward and Back, Side to Side, and Multi-Directional movement.

Across the week, we employ my SMASH Framework – developing Strength, Movement, Agility, Stability, and Honing Coordination Skills.

So, when I started with the Pro player last week, we used my Level 1 footwork drills to address some areas his tennis coach and I felt needed improvement, including moving backward and creating space on the forehand.

I dove into my toolbox of drills and selected the same ones I’d use for a first session with an 8-year-old player. Why? Because every player’s journey, whether a junior or a pro, starts with mastering on-court movement.

This begins with closed drills, isolating the specific pattern, before escalating to more chaotic and randomized drills. The goal? On-court movement mastery.

And this is exactly how this very experienced player is training. He’s using the same drills, the same methods, and the same philosophy that’s turned countless juniors into tennis powerhouses.

So, here’s my invitation to you: Start your tennis fitness journey with the SuperMovers Player Programme today. 

It’s not just about hitting the ball. It’s about becoming a complete player – an athlete who can outmanoeuvre, outlast, and outplay the competition.

The Programme uses the SMASH Framework and session themes that I have explained above, allowing you to be confident your player is being a tennis athlete.


Don’t just dream about Wimbledon. Make it a reality. Invest in the programme that will start you on your tennis fitness journey, help you win more matches, and make you harder to beat.

Your coach and ally on the court,


P.S. Remember, the journey to tennis greatness begins before you even step onto the court. It starts with a commitment to fitness that turns potential into prowess. Click now and let’s make every match count.


Tennis SuperMovers
Summer Challenge

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your tennis-specific fitness and compete with players from across the world, and what is to be an action-packed experience!


This completely FREE guide will teach you the 5 steps to tennis fitness success.

If you want to move quicker, hit harder, last longer and recover faster, then download the guide now.