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The Unspoken Truth About Tennis Injuries (and How to Avoid Them!)

This past weekend, I ran an intriguing poll on Instagram. 

The question? 

“Where are the most common injuries in tennis?”

The options were upper body, lower body, and trunk/core. And you know what? The results were fascinating.

66% of you believed that the upper body was the most vulnerable to injuries. 29% thought the lower body was the danger zone, and a mere 5% pointed towards the trunk or core.

But here’s the real kicker: When we dig deeper, the truth is a little more complex.

Based on data, the top five specific injury sites are as follows:

1st – Thigh (17.1%) 

2nd – Shoulder (10.2%) 

3rd – Knee (8.3%) 

4th – Ankle (7.9%) 

5th – A three-way tie between: Wrist, Abdominal, and Lower leg/Achilles (each at 6.9%)

What does this tell us? 

It’s simple: injuries can occur anywhere, and the body operates as a whole unit, not just in segmented parts. That’s why it’s critical to support your tennis play with comprehensive fitness training.

But here’s the secret sauce – not just any fitness training will do. You need a programme that caters specifically to the demands of tennis, emphasizing strength and stability for the whole body.

Enter the Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme.

This programme isn’t about just lifting weights or running laps. It’s about targeted, tennis-specific exercises and routines that can dramatically reduce your risk of injury and enhance your performance on the court.

Think about it: How much more powerful would your game be if you weren’t constantly worried about pulling a muscle or spraining an ankle? Imagine the confidence and freedom that comes with knowing your body is primed, ready, and resilient.

That’s what the Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme offers.

One of the standout features of our programme is our resistance band routine. Designed to improve strength, flexibility, and stability, it’s a game-changer for tennis players wanting to elevate their performance and minimize injury risks.

So, here’s my invitation to you: Don’t just play the game; protect it.

If you’re tired of injuries sidelining you and hindering your progress, it’s time to try a different approach. It’s time to invest in a programme that treats you as a whole athlete, not just a tennis player.

Are you ready to reduce your risk of injury, enhance your performance, and truly enjoy the game of tennis?


No more worrying about the next injury around the corner. It’s time to play confidently, knowing you’ve done everything to fortify your body against common tennis injuries. The Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme is your ticket to a stronger, more resilient tennis game. Let’s make your tennis journey injury-free and legendary.

Your coach and ally on the court,


P.S. Remember, the path to a strong, injury-free tennis career starts off the court. It begins with a commitment to fitness that turns potential into prowess. Click now and let’s make every match count.


Tennis SuperMovers
Summer Challenge

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your tennis-specific fitness and compete with players from across the world, and what is to be an action-packed experience!


This completely FREE guide will teach you the 5 steps to tennis fitness success.

If you want to move quicker, hit harder, last longer and recover faster, then download the guide now.