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How can parents help young tennis players?

How can parents help young tennis players?

You just want the best for your child, help to remove all the barriers, help them to fulfil their true potential. What parent doesn’t?

We ask around, other parents, those who’s child might be a little older, maybe performing at a level you “know” your child is capable of, even of beating perhaps. Ask all the coaches you know,look on the internet. Instagram , youtube, so many experts.

Everyone knows the best thing for your child. They throw around terms like Increase their force production, work on thoracic mobility, increase their acceleration, deceleration mechanics. Do plyometrics. But what does it all mean?

What is really best for my child?

Who are the best people to talk to?

Well, the best people to talk to about improving the physical capabilities of an athlete is someone with a history of developing athletes at the highest level. Maybe international tennis, maybe Premierleague football, Olympics even. How would we go about making contact with such a person?

Well, you already have. Howard and Simon here at SuperMovers have a combined 35 years experience of working with and developing young athletes into ATP and WTA tennis players alongside world cup footballers, cricketers and Olympic athletes.

We have been refining our programmes for younger athletes for 10 years, with more than 80000 children worldwide developing their athletic abilities in programmes they have designed.

You don’t need to understand the scientific buzzwords, current research literature or whether the hot instagrammer is right or wrong, we do. Supermovers is designed using those 35 years of experience with the latest scientific research to give you and your child the very best information in the most easy to understand programme

Next, learn about the qualities of winning tennis players 

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Tennis SuperMovers
Summer Challenge

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