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Your Magic Wand for Tennis Fitness is Here!

Last week, I ran a poll on my Instagram story that left me inspired, but not surprised.

The question asked was simple: “If you had a tennis fitness magic wand, what would be your wish?” The options were: Fitter, Faster, Stronger, and More Agile.

The responses flooded in, and the results were:

Fitter: 30%.

Faster: 37%.

Stronger: 19%.

More Agile: 25%.

A pretty even spread across the board.

This beautiful diversity in responses underscores the complex nature of tennis athleticism. 

It’s not just about power or speed or agility. It’s about achieving a perfect symphony of all these elements.

But here’s the rub: The sport’s demand for such varied athletic development can often leave one feeling overwhelmed about which aspect to focus on.

So, what’s the solution to this conundrum?

Well, it’s simple – a meticulously crafted fitness programme that covers the fundamental building blocks for becoming a complete tennis athlete. That’s the magic wand you need!

At Tennis SuperMovers, we’ve got your magic wand. Our SMASH Framework, built around crucial on-court movement themes, is designed to develop Strength, Movement, Agility, Stability, and Honing Coordination.

This is the very approach I use with our tennis players, and the results are nothing short of magical. Just last week, two of our athletes, April and Joe, achieved international acclaim at a Tennis Europe event. April clinched the U12 Girls Final, and Joe aced the U12 Boys doubles and secured the runner-up spot in the single event.

But their victories weren’t just about talent or luck. It was the power of the SMASH Framework and their relentless dedication to each session, each designed to meet specific on-court movement demands.

So here’s the game-changing news: The SMASH Framework is no longer exclusive to my academy players. We’ve incorporated it into the Tennis SuperMovers Player Programme, where players like you embark on a fitness journey that transforms potential into prowess.

Ready to wield your tennis fitness magic wand?

If your answer is a resounding yes, then click the link below, and let’s get started.


Remember, your journey towards becoming a tennis powerhouse starts off the court. It begins with a commitment to fitness, which turns potential into prowess.

Are you ready to make every match count?


No more standing on the side-lines, watching others take the trophies. It’s your turn to shine. Grab this opportunity and let’s make your tennis journey legendary.

Your coach and ally on the court,


P.S. Remember, the journey to becoming a tennis powerhouse begins before you even step onto the court. It starts with a commitment to fitness that turns potential into prowess.

Tennis SuperMovers
Summer Challenge

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your tennis-specific fitness and compete with players from across the world, and what is to be an action-packed experience!


This completely FREE guide will teach you the 5 steps to tennis fitness success.

If you want to move quicker, hit harder, last longer and recover faster, then download the guide now.